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  • Writer's pictureIlijana Vargovic

The Truth About Positive Affirmations

The truth behind and about positive affirmations is not difficult to grasp nor is it that secret. It is rather simple. Training your mind and heart with positive affirmations gives you more power and control over your own life and well-being.

Positive Affirmations can help you a lot in your professional and private life. They can be your last straw to draw when desperate and in need of some assistance. The truth is that you do not always have to be positive and up beat about everything in life. Negative thought patterns and emotions are common in our every day life.

The negative you can actually turn into something of value in your daily life. Ponder where the negative thoughts and emotions stem from, and what is their root. Sometimes you can unlock gems hidden behind your negative thoughts and emotions which will bring a more positive outlook into your current lifestyle.

Consider the negative your best friend at times. A pal you might not like to be seen with in front of other people in plain sight but that occasionally visits you when you are alone or with others. The negative thought patterns and emotions might simply be rooted in some programming someone else imposed on you earlier in your life or which you consciously or unconsciously took for being correct over time.

All negative thought patterns and emotions can be transformed into neutral or something positive. There comes a time when you need to let go of the heavy baggage you have within your heart and mind, and sometimes it is time to unlock it and see what is inside it.

Do not be afraid of entertaining negative thought patterns if you have them, simply look closely at them and find out why you are resisting a more positive change in life, thinking, feeling, and being.

Simple thoughts will not automatically change your life, but if you believe in them with your whole heart they will lead you in the correct direction in which you want to go and it is up to you to change the road you do not want to follow any longer.

Positive without the negative doesn't exist. So it can't possibly be a duality but more of a two sided coin of the same metal or same source. You are the source of your own life. Never let go of that fact. You can control your own life's direction and navigate your own journey's ship at will. This is a promise given in many religious texts, many spiritual texts yet it remains misunderstood.

Think of your own consciousness as God of your own life and nobody else's. Your God or consciousness consists of two parts. These two parts are the conscious and the subconscious minds.

Photo by Ferdinand Studio from Pexels

Often times the subconscious is aligned with the feminine principle of creation, the womb and the chalice. The conscious part of your consciousness is aligned with the masculine principle or the wand, the sword, the... well, you know. These two parts are simply being described metaphorically and through personifications, stories, parables throughout centuries and cultures in various forms, in various gods and goddesses and their heroic stories.

You can become your very own hero of your own life story for yourself and or your loved ones. You can choose what you want manifested in this life without first looking on the outside. First always look within. Here is where positive affirmations may help you heal some old wounds, deprogram some old run down programs, opinions, notions and stances.

You affirm or you make firm and solid in your life that which you accept within first. With your mind, your conscious part, and with your heart's mind, the so called subconscious part. Open your own heart and minds' secrets to yourself first and be honest with what you have in life and what you do not. Be honest and sincere and selfless with your own self at first in order to grow and expand your life. Be honest about what you want and truly desire.

Affirm your desire with your mind and your heart, both thought and emotion. Affirm it and shape it into a sentence or a couple that resonates within you and with you. Something that touches your soul and your spirit just the right way and clicks for you. Now that is an affirmation. That is your clay you just made. Use it however you wish to. Write it down, memorize it, shape it over and over again in your mind and heart over days and weeks until it blooms within you into a solid belief.

With this belief you can move your spiritual mountains, you can move past the negativity whether past or present, and into something and someone new. Into a new consciousness. With new minds and heart. To bravely go where you want to go. And not where unnecessary inner baggage wanted you to stay stuck.

Pick up your conscious sword and your unconscious chalice and realize you were the Chosen one from the get go of your own life. You simply had to pick yourself once again in the game of life and know how to play it consciously again as the subconscious works out the details of the entire mystery of life in your favor over time.

For more on the power of affirmations, visualization and imagination visit

Check out the Wealthy Mindset The Keys to Attracting Money, Happiness and Success here

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