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  • Writer's pictureIlijana Vargovic

60 Love Affirmations To Attract Love Now

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

Love makes the world go around. Attract love into your life by learning how to love yourself first and foremost, and then how to attract love in 2020 with the following sixty love affirmations. Visit for Wealthy Mindset information.

Photo by SHAHBAZ AKRAM from Pexels

Love nourishes. Love gives. Love serves.

1. Love is coming my way.

2. I love myself the way I am.

3. My soulmate is coming my way.

4, My heart is always open to love,

5. I spread love all around me.

6. There is an abundance of love everywhere around me.

7. Love is the giver of all.

8. Love is eternal and gentle.

9. I have the power to give my love to my soulmate,

10. I attract only lovely things in my life.

11. I welcome love with open arms,

12. I am surrounded by love,

13. Love and romance come easily to me.

14. All my relationships are fulfilling.

15. I give out unconditional love to the world.

16. I am filled with the vibration of love.

17. I desire love and receive it back in spades.

18. I love my partner with my whole heart.

19. I am grateful for every ounce of love in my life.

20. The more I love myself the more others love me.

Photo by luizclas from Pexels

21. I trust the powers of the universe to find my one true match.

22. I feel love. I feel loved.

23. I am accepting love with whole of my heart.

24. I am loved for who I am.

25. Love fills my soul with warmth and tenderness.

26. Love is gentle, kind, and eternal. Love resides within me,

27. I deserve love and to be loved.

28. Love encompasses everything I do.

29. I love working with people.

30. I love my job and everything about it.

31. I love my family and my friends.

32. Love shows me the way.

33. My soulmate is out there waiting for me.

34. My dreams are filled with endless love.

35. I spread love everywhere I go.

36. I am attractive and beautiful.

37. I have the power to love and be loved.

38. Love is in everything I touch and feel.

39. My conscious and subconscious minds are in love with each other and operate my consciousness.

40. I do not allow negative to take over my thoughts and emotions.

41. My destiny is in my own hands.

42. Love comes from within me.

43. Life gets better with each loving thought and emotion I have.

44. Life is precious and to be loved.

45. I value and treasure each individual as I meet them.

46. I am valued for who I am and who I am to become.

47. Everything is aligned for me to receive love in my life.

48. Love is around the corner, all I have to do is look.

49. Dreams come true everyday for me.

50. I am one with infinite love in the universe.

51. My soul is always filled with love.

52. My soul is always open to love.

53. I naturally attract love everywhere I go.

54. I develop chemistry with ease with those I am attracted to.

55. Love is attracted to me, and I am attracted to love.

56. My beauty radiates from within me,

57. My relationships are always healthy and safe for me,

58. I desire love and receive it in abundance many times over.

59. I love my partner with whole of my heart.

60. I am grateful for love in my life.

How to attract love into your life

Attract love into your life with positive affirmations and positive attitude towards love itself. Realize that you are a spiritual being worthy of love and the best of everything in life. Use your imagination as well to attract your soulmate in life. Imagination is a great source of changing your life and perspective. Dwell in your imagination in a positive mindset about love and your future soulmate. Positive affirmations regarding love

Positive affirmations regarding love are simply sentences you repeat to yourself that inform your subconscious mind of what you want in life right now. Use them each day for at least 10 minutes and make sure that you feel and believe in them. They can help you achieve greater peace of mind and stability of your internal belief system. What you think and feel becomes your reality so be careful with what you think and feel on a regular basis. Affirmations can change your life drastically and for the positive in both your private and professional lives. Using imagination to attract love

Imagination is everything you need to achieve your goal in life. Simply imagine you already have your soulmate and feel the end scenario in your mind. For instance you can imagine a ring on your finger and feel it around your finger. Repeat this imagination act in your inner mind and heart over and over again until it takes the tone of reality. Wait patiently until you meet with your intended one in real life. With your imagination you can attract love and happiness in your life right now as long as you use your imagination properly. Being positive about love

No matter what happened in your past, realize that the past is in the past. Nothing and nobody can hurt you anymore, and realize that the past mistakes were simply lessons to learn before you encountered real love in the end. Be positive about love and it will surely come to you sooner rather than later. Don't be afraid to attract love into your life again. Fill yourself with loving imagination acts and positive affirmations until you meet your soulmate in this lifetime.

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